OMR 700

Universal modular paperless recorder

The OMR 700 is designed for use in most technologies and operations where it is necessary to display and record a higher number of various electrical and/or non-electrical values.

Why to choose OMR 700?

Simple control

Control has never been easier! The device is operated both by a touch panel and buttons located under the front flip cover. The buttons serve for entering the menu, direct start of data recording into memory, and for reset.

Touch display

No unnecessary, confusing combinations of buttons! The device is dominated by a color 5.6 "TFT display with fine resolution. Capacitive touch panel of the recorder allows for convenient control and use of multi-point touch.

Remote projection

No matter what distance is between you and your OMR 700, with an Internet connection you will be able to watch its display from anywhere.

Easy data transfer

Data are stored in the internal 512 MB memory, on SD card or USB flash drive. Always on board are Ethernet 10/100B, RS 485 – Modbus, USB, microUSB.


The development of the recorder was carried out with an increased emphasis on technical solutions and universality. Cards design not only allows their use in any position in the recorder, but also their additional installation into vacant slots. Thus the device can "grow" with your requirements.


Dual-core processor enables the recorder to store data with a period of 1ms on up to 16 channels at the same time. Higher number of channels makes no problem either. OMR 700 keeps vital, so you´ll never  miss even fast processes.


Device describing


An easy and reliable connection of all signals is provided by connectors on the back side of the device.


Two fixed and eight optional modules allow the device to be configured according to the needs of each application. This way you can assemble a device with up to 96 analog inputs.

Modern touch display

Displaying both instantaneous values and trends of measured values as well as output states. A clear menu to set all the functions of the device.


The semi-transparent, fold-down lid rated IP64 provides a safe cover for two programming buttons, an SD card slot, a USB memory stick slot and signaling LEDs.

TV replay from 24th year of AMPER

V letošním roce jsme se opět účastnili mezinárodního veletrhu AMPER. Z tohoto, pro nás velmi úspěšného ročníku, vám přinášíme krátkou reportáž. Na AMPERu 2016 se prezentovalo 605 firem z 23 zemí a veletrh navštívilo 45 200 návštěvníků.

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Contact our specialist! We´ll respond within 24 hours.

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